Agate crystal has been used for making jewelry, amulets, and talismans since ancient time. First mentions of this stone for healing purposes date back to Greece and Egypt. In literature, grey agate is often called “Fossil Agate” and it is easy to recognize for its grey color with white, pink and light grey layers and patterns.

Crystal Agate is considered as a grounding stone that brings a person into emotional, intellectual and physical balance. It is a great stone for stabilizing physical energy, brings both positive and negative energy in place. It is believed that this stone improves brain functions, perception, concentration, and persons analytical abilities.
"It is often used for bringing love and abundance, it will help you relieve stress and feel better. "

Crystal Agate has a very calm, gentle and steady presence, which encourages us to be more conscious of our thoughts and feelings and their effect on our long-term well being. It stabilizes the aura and balances our yin and yang energies.
This stone also shows us how to be in better balance with the larger world around us. It aids us in seeing the positive and negative forces that exist in the world, and to be both realistic about our limitations and empowered in our possibilities.
Product Specifications:
- Box Size: 18*12.5*4.5cm
- Weight: ~640g
Please note: You will not get the same exact stone on the picture. Due to the natural characteristics of the stones, each item is unique than the rest.